We were supposed to design an infographics for assignment 6. What is an infographic? It is to transform a set of complex information into a very simple visual representation such as a map. Thus, an MRT map is actually an infographic! To think that we've been looking at infographics in our daily lives as well as our textbooks but yet we didn't know what we've been looking at!
I wanted to do an infographic on how to operate a washing machine but I thought it was quite silly so I decided to on global warming instead. However, as Saving Gaia is a big notion nowadays, I thought I should work on that topic instead. Therefore, from Saving Gaia, I narrowed it down to the 3 Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle.
I wanted to educate people how to reduce, reuse and recycle by showing them examples and hence, my infographic looks like this,
I actually took 2 pictures which is the picture of the pink tin with nail polish and the ink cartridges. I did some effects on the ink cartridges to make it look like it was hand drawn.
However, during tutorial, Jing pointed out that my infographic does not really fit her requirements because I didnt show any stages of development. (sigh) However, it was brought up by my classmates that I could show how to reduce, reuse and recycle in a normal day of our life so that there will be some stages of development.
I decided to continue with my saving gaia notion and therefore I came up with an infographics on what are the thiings you can do in a day to save the earth. Firstly, it is to take the public transport or bike to your destination instead of taking the car. Also, take more vegetables and less meat because meat production contributes to the greenhouse effect. Next is to work on energy conservation by turning off applicances at main power point after usage and also to use recycled paper. Recycling should be part of our lives and if we have anything to recycle, we can put it in the recycling bin. Water conservation is essential too, and an example to save water would be to use buckets of water instead of a hose to wash a car. Lastly, it is to set your air-con temperature to 25 degrees.I didnt want to use all square boxes because it might look abit rigid therefore I used an arc to create the effect. As the infographics background is white, I decided to add colour to the clocks so that the infographic wont look that plain.