Thursday, July 2, 2009

Assignment 1a

Me, Myself and I

We were supposed to come up with four preliminary sketches and 2 full scale roughs.

The above pictures are my preliminary sketches. We were asked to come up with list of words that are associated to ourselves since the drawing that we draw are supposed to be representative of oneself. As I swim and love swimming alot, I had alot of ideas that were associated with swimming but I could not draw them out, thus, leading to music, which I'm in love with as well. I'm also a hong kong drama serial addict whereby I can watch them endlessly, day after day, without stepping out of the house at all. However, due to the fact that I didn't know what to portray, therefore, I used music.

The first sketch with the distorted guitar is an electric guitar which I want to play because I'm learning to play the classical guitar currently. Therefore, I had the cables to the amplifier to represent the other letters.

The second sketch would be iPod. Well, whenever I am on the move, I would be listening to my iPod because it has my favourite songs in it and I even plug in my iPod when I drive!

The third sketch is an improvisation of the first one, whereby, I am sitting on a sofa which forms the letter 'C'. The music note, 'A' shows that music is in the air while the guitar - 'S' and the drumstick - 'S' are being played. :)

Last but not least, I love eating and drinking soup. I wanted the steam of the soup to form my name but as shown, the name is not exactly integrated with the picture.

Therefore, based on the four sketches that I've drawn, I decided to use the first sketch because I love the guitar and I thought that guitar was pretty cool.

The first rough

No changes were made because I thought the readability was good.

The second rough
I decided to put one 'S' in the amplifier because I thought that the wires took too much of my lettering, however, the readability is reduced because we have to search for the next 'S'.

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